Artificial Light At Night Causes Depression, Learning, and Productivity Issues

Our early ancestor’s success and productivity were determined by their ability to live in conformity with the rise and the fall of the sun.
Throughout our human evolution, we rose with the sun and set with the sun.
If our early ancestors wanted to be successful and productive hunters, they had to wake up at dawn and this gave them plenty of time to forage for food if they couldn’t hunt.
They ate their last meal around twilight and at night, they rested in complete darkness for 12 to 15 hours. This enabled them to wake up feeling energized, light, refreshed and ready to go back to hunt, learn and create.
The way modern humans are meant to function is mainly the same today as it was 2 million years ago. No matter who we are, where we are, and whether we lived 2 million years ago or now, we still undergo a daily unescapable change in our environment.
The day must become night and this is governed by the universal Law of circadian rhythm.
In order to adapt to this change, we have developed an internal clock that programmed us to optimally sleep and rejuvenate at night and work, learn, eat and exercise during the day.
Today though, we are not living in harmony with the law of rhythm. At the turn of the 20th century, electricity and electric light spread throughout our society.
The NIGHT IS BECOMING DAY in a flick of a switch.
We have gained the power to operate 24/7 if we wish and as cool and exciting as this seems…
According to circadian biologists, this is leading to chronic diseases like anxiety, depression, loss of productivity to name a few.
According to a new study led by Dr. Samer Hattar, chief of the Section on Light and Circadian Rhythms at the National Institute of Mental Health, our modern artificial light comes at A SERIOUS COST!
Basically what he found out is that chronic exposure to artificial light at night—even the kind of light you experience in your own living room at home elevates levels of a certain stress hormone in the body, which results in depression and lowers our ability to learn and memorize.
It activates special cells in the eyes called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells or ipRGCs, negatively affecting the brain’s center of mood, memory and learning
Artificial light at night affects a structure in the brain called the habenula. This center is responsible for pro-depressive behaviours and is known as the center of DISAPPOINTMENT and dissatisfaction. When the habenula is activated by artificial lights at night, it lowers the production of dopamine the following morning.
Dopamine gives you the motivation, inspiration and focuses to achieve your goals and aspirations in life.
When your dopamine is low, you wake up feeling unhappy and much more likely to be feeling disappointed and unsatisfied. Also, Low dopamine levels are associated with a lowered ability to make decisions and think outside of the box.
All of this sabotages your productivity and creative thinking.
In conclusion, for millions of years, our human bodies relied on exposure to natural sunlight during the day and complete darkness at night - our Circadian Rhythm. Within a very short period of our evolution, we have transformed our environment into one that bombards our bodies with unnatural harmful artificial light day and night. As a result, our body’s internal clocks are very confused, giving rise to modern chronic diseases like cancer, depression, anxiety, loss of productivity etc
Things you can do:
- Expose yourself to early morning sunlight for at least 20 minutes every morning. This will increase your dopamine and your productivity will skyrocket.
- Watch the sunset every day. Even if it is cloudy. This light will make you a bit less vulnerable to the destructive effects of artificial lights afterwards.
- Block artificial lights after the sunset using the VivaRays lens technology. These high-quality glasses are engineered to filter out the harmful junk light at night coming from the LED bulbs and screens that have been shown to negatively affect your sleep, memory, learning and productivity.
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