Silent disruptor from the everyday environment: a man-made, negative EMF and its effect on life on Earth we weren't born to live with

Silent disruptor from the everyday environment: a man-made, negative EMF and its effect on life on Earth we weren't born to live with

Human evolution, what an interesting journey! We are constantly evolving, adapting, and thriving in spite of novelties of our environment. But it happened that we hadn't pushed the pause button for a long time.
Let's do it today, let's do it now.  Welcome to LightEdu, your biweekly dose of Light and science inspiration. 💭

Today, we're addressing a silent disruptor (and helper at the same time). The helper because if there wasn't it, we wouldn’t be able to connect to the large network - www. 🌐

As you may guess, it's a non EMF about which we spoke earlier. It's your Wi-Fi router and it's the bulb above your head.
EMFs is a case-sensitive topic. We bathe in it all day long. It has become an inseparable part of our lives. 

The reason we chose the word “bathe” is because we’re sure that you’re not the only one using the internet in your neighborhood right now. This implies that there is a vast Universe of non EMFs around us, and anyone living in a modern civilization. Unless you’re somewhere in the middle of the forest with only trees and animals.

So tag along as we’ll walk you through lesser-known facts about negative EMFs. Learn:

  • What EMFs are
  • What kinds of EMFs exist 
  • How do natural and non-natural EMFs differ
  • How do non natural EMFs affect humans
  • Why it is crucial to know these effects
  • The intricacies of nature’s frequencies

Everything in life is Vibration

From a scientific perspective, everything in our world, including light, sound, and thoughts, is made up of energy, which can be transferred through waves. When energy requires a medium to be transferred we call it sound. For example, pluck the string of a guitar and you will produce a sound vibration that you can hear.

Light, however, is an electromagnetic frequency that doesn’t require a medium to move through. Light can travel through air, solid material as well as through the vacuum of space.

Thoughts are equally electric waves, generated through the brain. Different thoughts produce different vibrations. Thought-waves are a form on non-verbal communication.
Have you ever sensed the positivity of someone else's thinking without even speaking to them? This is sometimes referred to as "empathy" or "intuition”.

James Allen — "He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: environment is but his looking glass."

The vibration of your thoughts, though invisible to your eyes,  are always obvious in results. They create your environment, circumstances and conditions. The way you think will dictate the people and the situations that you are attracted to.

There is more to life than what your eyes can see

Did you know that the visible light you see with your eyes only represents a tiny fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum? 

In fact, this spectrum encompasses all kinds of light, including those that are invisible to us! 
This means that most of the light in the universe is actually hidden from our view. It's like there's an entire world of light that we've been missing out on because our senses can’t perceive it.

⚠️ But if you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect you. ⚠️

Therefore, it's important to be mindful of the vibrations you surround yourself with. Whether it's the thoughts you generate or the visible and invisible light frequencies you expose yourself to, they can have a profound impact on your well-being. 
Here we’re coming to this thing called EMFs. The Electro Magnetic Frequencies. Before the invention of electricity, we only had natural EMF. However, with the advent of new technologies, we got the opposite of natural - negative EMFs. And that will be this week’s and VivaRays' whole month's topic in October. 

What is the difference between natural EMF and negative EMF, and how do they affect our health?

Have you ever heard of natural healthy electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and negative EMF? The word EMF is gaining negative connotation, however, you may be surprised to learn that our bodies are actually designed to function with natural electromagnetic frequencies from sources like the sun and the earth. 

Our evolution has been intimately intertwined with the natural electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the sun and the earth. It's as if these frequencies have acted as a nurturing mother, supporting and guiding us through the different stages of our growth and development.


Did you know that the natural frequency of the Earth, known as the Schumann Resonance, is around 7.83Hz, which happens to be the alpha/theta brainwave frequency in your brain?
But first, what are the Alpha and Theta brainwave frequencies? Alpha (8-14 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) brainwave frequencies represent specific electrical oscillations in the brain, with alpha associated with relaxed alertness and reduced cortical activity, while theta is linked to deep relaxation, REM sleep, and the encoding of memories.

When you are in this relaxed, dreamy state, your body undergoes cell regeneration and healing. It's truly inspiring to think that we have evolved to be in sync with the Earth's natural frequency, allowing us to reach a state of calmness and healing. 😌

Our bodies are designed to function with natural electromagnetic frequencies from sources like the sun and the earth.” 


Have you ever considered the incredible power of the sun?
It's not just a fiery ball in the sky, but a natural source of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that sustain all life on earth. The sun's EMFs play a vital role in regulating our biological functions, including our circadian rhythm, mood, vitamin D production, libido, blood pressure, and hunger. Without the sun's energy, life on earth as we know it would not be possible.

But did you know that not all sunlight is the same? Sunlight is made up of different frequencies, ranging from ultraviolet (UV) to visible light and infrared (IR). Each frequency has its own unique properties and effects on your bodies. For example, UV light helps you produce vitamin D, while blue light regulates your sleep-wake cycle.

This part is crucial to understand before we delve deeper into other, non natural EMFs. Because, when you know the role that natural EMFs have on your body and life in general then it will be easier to understand the implications of everything that opposes it.


The advent of man-made electromagnetic fields changed everything. With the invention of electricity in the late 1800s, we were suddenly exposed to a whole new type of EMF that we haven't evolved to tolerate. These non-native EMFs can actually disrupt your internal environment by causing your cells to vibrate to an unnatural signal, rather than the natural frequencies humans evolved to thrive with.

“Non-native EMFs disrupt our internal environment by causing our cells to vibrate to an unnatural signal, rather than the natural frequencies humans evolved to thrive with.”


So what's the difference between natural and negative EMFs? Simply put, natural EMFs are the ones that have been present in our environment for millions of years, while negative (un natural) EMFs are the ones created by our modern technology. And unfortunately, the negative EMFs are causing chaos in our biology.
How so, you may be asking?

When you're constantly bombarded by high-intensity signals from modern technology, your nervous system can't pick up on the more subtle signals from your cells and organs. This creates a distortion in your intracellular communication network, leading to inflammation in your body.
It seems though that these negative signals overpower the natural human functions.

This is particularly concerning for children, who's still-developing brains and bodies are even more susceptible to the negative effects of EMFs. With so many devices emitting EMFs, we're exposed to quintillions more EMFs than people were in the 1950s. It's no wonder that many people are experiencing negative health effects as a result. And they’re even not aware what might be causing them because negative EMFs are a silent, unseen disruptor you never questioned before.

So, to sum it up, natural EMFs are the frequencies we've evolved with and can actually benefit from, while negative EMFs are the man-made frequencies that can disrupt our biology and lead to inflammation and other health issues. 

Now, this information disrupts your entire world view, right? But going forward with this information you can better understand yourself and the things that might be happening around you - which you didn’t quite understand why they were happening. You’re in a place of empowerment, rather than disruption.
It's important to be aware of the sources of EMFs in your environment and
take steps to minimize your exposure to them, especially for your children.

“When you're constantly bombarded by high-intensity signals from modern technology, your nervous system can't pick up on the more subtle signals from your cells and organs. This creates a distortion in your intracellular communication network.”

The frequencies that are native to us, such as those from the sun and the earth, are crucial to human health and vitality. However, the electro-magnetic frequencies that we have started using in the industrial age, such as phone radiation and Bluetooth, can have a negative effect on our health. 


The purpose of this blog is to strike a balance between the frequencies we need and the ones we should avoid. So, the next time you think or interact with a frequency, remember that it has the power to affect your life in more ways than you can imagine.

To learn about the ways that non EMFs affect our life and where EMFs are coming from, stay tuned as we will cover it in the second part of this blog, on October 26th.

And now, let’s continue into Earth's intricacies little known to everyday humans. 🔮The delicacy of LightEdupedia.

Earth's intricacies and human evolution 🌍

We have evolved bathing in natural frequencies from the sun, the earth and the cosmic radiation passing through our atmosphere. All living beings use these electromagnetic frequencies as information and energy. The longer it has been present in our environment, the more we can tolerate it as we have adapted to its presence and in some cases thrived because of it. 

Before our industrialization, Earth was basically a sanctuary. 
Earth’s natural frequency is called the Schumann Resonance and is around 7.83Hz. It corresponds to our alpha brain waves which make us calm, increase our creativity and enhance our capacity to learn.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that our brain waves can be synchronized with the frequency of Earth? 

It’s proof that we have evolved in this natural environment and that we thrive when we bathe in its frequencies. 

In 1882, Thomas Edison created the first electrical grid which gave people access to electricity. This transformed our world completely. Then Tesla invented the alternating current in 1890 which was much more efficient than Edison’s direct current grid but more problematic as well. A lot of good things came from having easy access to electricity. 
Unfortunately, a lot of negative things happened and are still happening today as well. 

Since we haven’t evolved around these man-made frequencies, we aren’t built to sustain such an enormous amount of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs). 
Non-native EMFs are destroying your internal environment by causing your cells to vibrate to an unnatural signal instead of Nature’s healing frequencies. 

💡The power of the Earth magnetic field on our biology is major. One study from Tuft University in Boston sent a flatworm cut in half in space. Normally, when you cut a flatworm in half, both pieces grow back and you obtain two identical flatworms.

This time, the flatworm grew a second head instead of a tail. Even more fascinating was the fact that every time it reproduced itself, the copies all had two heads. This wasn’t the result of a genetic mutation. It was caused by a change in the magnetic field the flatworm experienced which ultimately changed his physiology. 

“Non-native EMFs are destroying your internal environment by causing your cells to vibrate to an unnatural signal instead of Nature’s healing frequencies.“

Compared to 1950, we now have a quintillion times more EMFs in our environment. Think about how intensely this can impact our biology. We are more exposed to radiation in a day than someone from the 1500s was in their entire lifetime!

EMFs 2003 VS 2023 in North America
North America before non EMFs

North America in non EMFs 2023


When you are drowned in a sea of various signals at very high intensity, your nervous system cannot hear the more subtle signals from your different cells and organs. This creates a distortion in your intracellular communication network. 
Stem cells don’t know where to go or which tissues to heal. Your blood can’t bring the proper nutrients to the right place. Your glands don’t receive the signals to secrete an adequate quantity of hormones. Chaos ensues. In biology, chaos is termed inflammation. 

Children are more impacted as they don’t have a fully formed skull and more EMFs can penetrate and reach their brain. 
EMFs are also more destructive to cells that replicate more frequently and children are constantly growing so their cells are more actively replicating than adults. 

Stay tuned for the second part. 🙂

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