EZ Water- Why do I need it, What are the benefits and how do I make it?

EZ Water- Why do I need it, What are the benefits and how do I make it?

Hello and welcome to the most intriguing blog we published until now. Are you ready for a 180° change in how you saw water your whole life?

The less known dimension of the most essential liquid on 🌍Earth, the EZ water 

During summer, even more than the rest of the year, it is particularly important to hydrate yourself to stay healthy and to better tolerate the heat. Your body is between 50-80% water depending on your age. Water helps you absorb nutrients, regulates body temperature, helps the kidneys and liver flush out waste, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, helps prevent constipation and lubricates joints, tissues and spinal cord. 

We’ve all been told to “drink more water”. But is drinking tap water the real solution to dehydration or to optimize our health? Not exactly. Water hasn’t been much of a popular research field in academics because we thought we knew everything there is to know about this “simple” fluid. 

Nothing could be further from the truth.

As you’ll see in this article, there is a big difference between the water that you drink and the water that your cells need to thrive. Today, we'll delve into a relatively lesser-known phenomenon called "EZ water" or "exclusion zone water." Don't worry; it's not as complex as it might sound. In this blog, we'll explore: 

  • What is exclusion zone (EZ) water? 
  • What’s the difference between regular water and EZ water?
  • How is EZ water formed in the body?
  • Why is EZ water important?
  • What are the benefits of EZ water?
  • What depletes our cells of EZ water?
  • How can we increase our EZ water production?

What is EZ Water?

Imagine if I told you that there's more to water than just H2O molecules randomly jostling about in your body. Well, that's precisely the case with EZ water. EZ stands for "Exclusion Zone," and it refers to a unique, ordered arrangement of water molecules. 

Now, let's get into the science behind this captivating phenomenon. EZ water is formed through a process called "coherence" or "negative entropy". In simple terms, this type of water forms near hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces, like cell membranes or certain materials.

This structured arrangement results in a separation of charges, with positively charged protons on one side and negatively charged electrons on the other. This creates a battery and is a huge source of energy for your cells.  Ez water is also devoid of impurities and solutes, like heavy metals or toxins, creating a pure milieu inside your cells and allows instantaneous communication between all the cells in your body. 

“There's more to water than just H2O molecules randomly jostling about in your body. And that's EZ water, which stands for "Exclusion Zone," and it refers to a unique, ordered arrangement of water molecules.”

What’s the difference between regular water and EZ water? H20 vs H3O2

EZ water differs from the regular water we know by having a distinct molecular arrangement, creating a sort of crystal-like structure. The water you drink from a glass is actually regular water and its formula is H2O. The water inside your cells (if you are healthy) is actually EZ water and its formula is H3O2. 

This is the most important form of water your body needs. And contrary to the regular water that you consume, your body is responsible for the creation of most of the EZ water that’s inside you. 

How is EZ water formed in the body?

EZ water is formed when the water in our cells is exposed to infrared light. When water molecules absorb this light, they start to vibrate. Because of their strong bonds, this energy is passed along from one molecule to the next. As a result of this energy transfer, the water molecules become denser and more viscous as they move closer together to stabilize themselves. They also store energy in the form of a negative charge. In addition, the UV light present in sunlight increases the negative charge of EZ water.

This charged form of water is what we refer to as EZ water, akin to a charged battery, eagerly waiting to deliver its valuable energy. Having more EZ water in your body means you're storing up more energy that can be efficiently delivered to cells that need it. It's like having a reserve of power ready to be used whenever necessary.

Your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells responsible for the creation of energy, also creates EZ water. Every time a mitochondria produces a molecule of energy via its nanomotors, it also produces EZ water. When you are healthy and have plenty of EZ water, the friction in the nanomotors is reduced to the point that they have 100% efficiency. Your body is filled with perfect engines!

EZ water is the most important form of water our body needs. And contrary to the regular water we consume, our body is responsible for the creation of the EZ water.

Why is EZ water important?

EZ water is important because it is depleted in deuterium. Deuterium is a heavy form of hydrogen. When the mitochondria inside your cells produce energy, they use the hydrogen available in your body to do so. When deuterium is present instead of hydrogen, it breaks the cellular machinery necessary for the production of energy and over time fatigue, hormonal imbalance, sleep issues and diseases happen.

It is also the battery that your cells rely on to be able to function optimally. It allows every process in your body to flow smoothly. Think better circulation, more efficient detoxification, improved skin health, etc. 

What are the benefits of EZ water?

You might be wondering, "What's the big deal about EZ water? Does it have any practical implications?" Well, let's explore some of the potential benefits associated with EZ water:

Increased Energy: EZ water plays a vital role in boosting your energy levels by delivering more electrons to your mitochondria which helps them generate more energy.

Enhanced Hydration: Due to its structured nature, EZ water can be absorbed more efficiently by our cells, leading to improved hydration.

Better Cellular Communication: The ordered arrangement of EZ water facilitates cellular communication, potentially influencing various biological processes.

Vitamin D production: one of the crucial steps of vitamin D synthesis in your body is called photoisomerization. This step involves the transformation of one form of molecule into another through the power of light. The only way this can happen is if you have enough EZ water inside your body. 

Detoxification: EZ water's properties can help trap and remove toxins and impurities from the body more effectively.

Longevity & Youthfulness: Acting like an antioxidant, it shields your cells from free radicals and effectively slows down the process of cellular aging. This can contribute to maintaining a youthful and healthy cellular environment.

“EZ water plays a vital role in boosting our energy levels by delivering more electrons to our mitochondria which helps them generate more energy.”

EZ water also supports the correct folding of proteins in your cells. Wait, what? We need to fold proteins? Yes, just like your clothes! Proteins are crucial for various bodily functions and are folded in intricate structures like origami. 

Any type of cellular stress can cause proteins to unfold or misfold, resulting in a loss of function. This can lead to serious problems like Alzheimer, Parkinson, dementia, etc. However, EZ water binds to proteins and provides the energy they need to recover and return to their proper functioning state. This improved protein folding has far-reaching effects, influencing aging, inflammation, muscle recovery, brain function, and overall health.

Now, you are curious about…

What depletes our cells of EZ water?

Here are a few important factors to maintain healthy levels of EZ water and not reduce your ability to produce it: 

Living an indoor existence: lack of full spectrum sunlight decreases the capacity of your cells to produce EZ water. The infrared and UV light present in sunlight but absent from man-made artificial light are important for the production and maintenance of EZ water. 

Toxic load: heavy metals, fluoride, or glyphosate and all toxins will lower your ability to create a healthy dose of exclusion zone water. 

EMF exposure: electromagnetic fields have been shown to decrease EZ water inside cells. This includes EMF from your wi-fi, cellphones, smart watch, bluetooth device, etc.

Having a sedentary lifestyle: lack of movement decreases the flow of blood and lymph inside your body which leads to accumulation of tension inside your fascia, a reduced oxygenation of tissues and a higher accumulation of metabolic byproducts. Scar tissues from old injuries or surgery do the same thing. 

Let’s take action steps.

How can we increase our EZ water production?

Now that you know exactly what not to do, it’s time to learn the practices that will help you increase your EZ water production and optimize your health:

Drink EZ rich water: Natural mineral water or spring water allows you to get better hydration. Anything from glaciers or northern mountains are great sources of EZ water.

Get sun exposure: the full spectrum of sunlight contains infrared and UV light that increases the capacity of your cells to produce EZ water and maintain a more net negative charge creating a bigger battery. Essentially, it gives you more energy to heal and be at your best! 

Make sure to expose yourself without wearing sunglasses, clothing, or sunscreen to significantly boost your EZ water levels. The more skin you expose, the more EZ water you'll produce. If you don’t know how to expose yourself safely to the sun, check out our blog post How to Safely Increase Sun Exposure and Build Your Solar Callus this Spring.

Unfortunately similar to sunglasses, prescription lenses block all the beneficial UV light. We highly recommend VivaRays UV prescription lenses, which allow 55-60% of UV light enter your eyes

“The full spectrum of sunlight contains infrared and UV light that increases the capacity of our cells to produce EZ water.”

Use infrared saunas: they provide a concentrated dose of infrared light which leads to a substantial increase in EZ water production. The effectiveness of infrared saunas in speeding up muscle recovery and tissue repair might be attributed to this boost in EZ water.

Consume EZ builders: raw vegetables and fruits (grown in Nature), turmeric, natural mineral blends like Quinton minerals, ghee, coconut oil or grass fed butter are all EZ builders, meaning they increase the production of EZ water inside your cells. 

Practice heart coherence: this exercise, just like heart centered meditation, has been shown to increase EZ water.

Practice cold exposure: it increases the amount of infrared light your mitochondria produces to keep you warm and infrared light increases the size of the exclusion water in your cells!


The world of EZ water is a compelling one, and understanding its properties may lead to exciting discoveries and applications in various fields, from biology and medicine to materials science and beyond. As scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of EZ water, let's stay curious and open to new possibilities that might transform our understanding of this most essential liquid, which covers much of our beautiful blue planet.

While drinking water remains important for hydration, the recognition of EZ water's significance adds a new dimension to our understanding of how water impacts our health. By focusing on increasing the production of EZ water within our cells, we can potentially unlock numerous health benefits and support our bodies in functioning optimally. So, stay hydrated and incorporate EZ water-enhancing practices into your daily routine for a healthier and more energized life.


1 comment

  • Michelle

    I use the analeema water wand and love it!

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