How to Safely Increase Sun Exposure and Build Your Solar Callus this Spring

How to Safely Increase Sun Exposure and Build Your Solar Callus this Spring

Welcome back to the vibrant world of VivaRays!

Spring is finally here, and with it comes the glorious sun! As the sun becomes more intense, it's important to take measures to protect your skin and eyes while still enjoying the many benefits of natural sunlight.

At VivaRays, we believe that understanding the power of Healthy Light is key to a healthy and vibrant life. And what better time to celebrate the wonders of light than the start of Spring?

On March 20th, the Equinox takes place. The Equinox is a natural phenomenon that occurs twice a year when the sun is exactly above the equator, resulting in an equal amount of day and night.

It is a time of balance and harmony when the yin (the dark) and yang (the light) unite and know oneness.

On this day, the sun shines for twelve hours and the moon takes over for the other twelve.

This is an extremely special moment that reminds us of the beauty of balance and equality expressed in the forces of Nature. It is a special time to contemplate how we can extend that balance and equilibrium into our life.

Whether it's work-life balance, sleep-wakefulness, or light/dark balance, the force of balance will determine how successful we are in all our endeavors.

Many people suffer from disrupted circadian rhythms because their light and dark patterns are completely messed up. This happens due to overexposure to artificial lights and lack of exposure to natural light. 

Lacking consistent light and dark signals from Nature sabotages the internal rhythms of the body leading to sleep problems, lack of energy, brain fog, depression, weight gain, and other health issues.

Also, disconnecting ourselves from Nature’s light and dark patterns inhibits our bodies from predicting the time of the season. As a result, we fail to adapt to seasonal changes. This is one of the reasons why so many people suffer from the famous ‘’seasonal affective disorder’’ during the winter and why the majority of people can’t tolerate sunlight during the summertime.

For example, did you know that spring is the time when Nature prepares our skin and eyes to become more tolerant to absorbing UV light without burning our skin and eyes? 

Embracing the Magic of Spring: How Do I safely increase my sun exposure?

Let's talk about the magic of spring!🌻

The season of renewal, rebirth, and growth. The time when Nature awakens from its slumber and the world around us explodes with color and life.

It's the perfect time to shake off the winter blues and embrace the warmth and beauty of the sun.

But how can you safely increase your sun exposure and reap the benefits of natural sunlight?

From the 20th of March on, Nature starts to slowly crank the ‘’light dial’’ up. Day after day, the intensity of sunlight will slowly increase.

This happens in an orderly fashion. Nature never blows up our eyes and skin with high-intensity UV light. She does it slowly and in an orderly fashion. This slow strategic increase in our light exposure builds up our solar callus or sun tolerance.

What is the solar callus?

Improving sun tolerance is also known as “solar callus” and happens naturally when living more in line with Nature. 

A perfect example is the fact that the early morning sun has no UV light and more infrared and red light. Infrared and red light are known to trigger the production of locally produced melatonin in the cell, which prepares our skin to absorb UV light at solar noon and decreases inflammation that may be caused by the intensity of the sun.

Another perfect example is the spring season when Nature slowly cranks up the dial on UV light. If we were to be outdoors more often, our skin will start adapting and increasing its tolerance to absorb more UV light without burning.

7 Easy Steps to Safely Build Your Sun Tolerance in Spring: Tips for Gradual Sun Exposure and Natural Protection

So how can you build your tolerance to sunlight and keep safe in the spring?

🌅☀️ Start by exposing yourself to the early rising sunlight before UVA and UVB are present. This is typically during the early morning when the sun is still low on the horizon, and your shadow will be much longer than you. This early morning sunlight is rich in infrared light, which will prepare your skin and eyes to absorb more UV when the sun is higher in the sky. Just like a tree can go as tall as its roots are rooted deep down in the earth, our UV absorption will be as deep and as efficient as we are ‘’rooted’’ in the morning infrared light. This light will activate and prime all the photoreceptors in our eyes and skin to better absorb UV light.

🏊‍♀️👙 Slowly and gradually increase your time in the sun, building a healthy tan as the season progresses. Start by exposing each side of your body for around 2-3 minutes during mid-morning or mid-afternoon when the sun is not too strong. If you feel comfortable, you can gradually increase the time to even 5 , 10, 30 minutes and more.

🧐👀 Develop your sun intuition and know yourself. Go slow and work on developing your sun intuition. The more often you're out in the sun, the more you'll develop an intuition about when you've had enough sun exposure. If you feel like you've had enough sunlight, seek shade, cover up with clothing, or wait until the next day. However, if you have to spend all day in the sun, wearing natural sunscreen (with mostly zinc oxide) is much better than getting sunburned.

🌇🌄 Expose yourself to the sunset. The IR light around that time is Nature's natural sunscreen and is designed to activate all the biological processes in the cell to repair any damage that might have happened during the day from over-exposure to UV.

🕶️👀 Avoid wearing sunglasses when exposed to sunlight. Our eyes are an extension of our brain, and when we cover our eyes with sunglasses, we block our brain from understanding that there is UV light. As a result, our skin doesn't produce the necessary melanin that protects us from burning.

🚫💡 Avoid all artificial lights after sunset. We are designed to heal and repair at night in complete darkness. When we come back from our sun tanning sessions and 'worship' the second sun from devices and light bulbs, we trick our brains into thinking that it is daytime. This destroys melatonin, the highest antioxidant in Nature that is essential for healing and repair. When melatonin is not naturally produced at night, we wake up the following day with a lot of free radicals, and our skin and eyes start feeling sensitive to sunlight, unprepared to fully absorb those frequencies.

🥦🥩 Eat a diet that is high in quality fatty acids, grass-fed meats, fatty fish, shellfish, and vegetables to absorb UV light better. You need certain nutrients like cholesterol, magnesium sulfur, vitamin A, vitamin K, and DHA to create vitamin D, turn light into electrical signals to allow for cell to cell communication, and process the signals of light into information that is processed by our internal clock. Fruits can be added when they are in season. If you're vegetarian, consider algae, which is the only plant-based source that has DHA.


I trust that this article has provided you with valuable insights into how to safely increase your sun exposure and build your solar callus this spring. 

One way to increase your tolerance to sunlight and enhance your circadian rhythm is to invest in a pair of Circadian Light Harmonizing Glasses. These glasses filter out all blue and green light and allow your body to naturally produce melatonin, leading to better sleep and greater healing, repair and recovery.

I also encourage you to download our free booklet, "Light: The Key to Mastering Your Sleep and Energy," to learn more about how light affects our bodies and how you can optimize your light exposure to improve your health and well-being.

Remember, the sun is a powerful source of energy and information. By following these steps, you can make sure you absorb the right amount of UV light to optimize your health and well-being. So, go out there and enjoy the sun, but do it mindfully and wisely!💜🧡



  • Dennis Y

    Thanks for this post. It was exactly what I was looking for.

    I typed in “sun callousing” and all the standard MD claptrap and warnings came up.

    After the covid nonsense, I lost all trust in the medical establishment. If I need a bone set or ACL repair, I’ll look that way. But for regular living, whatever they tell me I’ll be looking to do the opposite. I’ll get avoid drugs and shots, get lots of sun, and eat red meat, eggs and organs. THX!

  • Tracie

    Thank you! I have a slight allergy to the sun and break out in a rash. I am very pale and live where the winters are extremely long. This spring I have started your recommendations and it is already starting to make a difference for me.

  • Maura

    Great information! Thanks for sharing!

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